Attach Headers Color Feature

Color attachment headers using regex, just like mail bodies

1. Support

Since: NeoMutt 2016-09-10

Dependencies: None

2. Introduction

This feature allows specifying regexes to color attachment headers just like the mail body would. The headers are the parts colored by the attachment color. Coloring them is useful to highlight the results of GPGME's signature checks or simply the mimetype or size of the attachment. Only the part matched by the regex is colored.

3. Usage

The attach_headers color should be used just like the body color.

color attach_headers foreground background pattern

4. neomuttrc

# Example NeoMutt config file for the attach-headers-color feature.

# Color if the attachment is autoviewed
color   attach_headers     brightgreen     default    "Autoview"
# Color only the brackets around the headers
color   attach_headers     brightyellow    default    "^\\[--"
color   attach_headers     brightyellow    default    "--]$"
# Color the mime type and the size
color   attach_headers     green           default    "Type: [a-z]+/[a-z0-9\-]+"
color   attach_headers     green           default    "Size: [0-9\.]+[KM]"
# Color GPGME signature checks
color   attach_headers     brightgreen     default    "Good signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightred       default    "Bad signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightred       default    "BAD signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightred       default    "Note: This key has expired!"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "Problem signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "         There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner."
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "can't handle these multiple signatures"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "signature verification suppressed"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "invalid node with packet of type"

# vim: syntax=neomuttrc

6. Known Bugs


7. Credits

Guillaume Brogi

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